Important Information About The COVID-19 Vaccine Available To Residents Of Our Facility.

Margaret Tietz Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

Commitment, Compassion, Customized Care

You can view or download our disclosure form, additional disclosures, or vendor summary.



164-11 Chapin Parkway #1

Jamaica New York 11432

October 20, 2021


This directive is intended to heighten awareness among residents and their families as to the availability of certain compliance information maintained by the NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS) with regards to residential health facilities.

Both the NYSDOH and CMS maintain information on nursing homes that includes performance on quality measures, complaints, inspection results, and citations and enforcement actions, as well as any penalties imposed on the nursing home.  CMS has created a tool called Care Compare to help consumers search for and select nursing homes and other health care providers and the NYS DOH maintains a web site called Nursing Home Profiles.

According to CMS, the information it maintains on nursing homes should be used with other information you gather about providers and facilities in your area. In addition to reviewing the Care Compare information, you should talk to your doctor, social worker, or other health care providers when choosing a provider.  Additional tips for selecting a nursing home can be found in CMS’s guide to selecting a nursing home:

The New York State Nursing Home Profiles website maintained by the New York State Department of Health can be accessed below:

On the NYSDOH site, select the nursing home by name after selecting the appropriate Region/County from the dropdown menu, and open the Inspections tab to view any Complaints, Inspection results including any citations, and any enforcement actions against the nursing home.

The Nursing Home Compare website maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services can be accessed below:

On the CMS Care Compare site, enter the name of the nursing home in the search box.  Click on the name of the nursing home to view Inspection results as well as any penalties that have been imposed.



Additional Disclosures



Margaret Tietz Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

  1. Disclosure in accordance with Section 2829(1) of the New York State Public Health Law Maximum Rates for Residency and Services effective January 1, 2024:

Semi Private Room: $645.00 per day

Private Room: $660.00 per day

Managed Cares:





Bright Health





$334- $491

100% Medicaid Rate


85% Medicare rugs


$325- $625 & 100% Medicaid Rate







Health Pointe








$610 PMPM

$325-$ 700 & 100% Medicaid Rate

$315-$445 & 100% Medicaid Rate

Hospice Care Network

US Family Health Plan




Three Rivers




$355 – $ 750

$350, 100% Medicare & Medicaid Rate


100% Care Rate & Comm-the lesser of 80% of submitted charges or 90% of max allowable rate specified by federal or state fee schedule

130% of Medicare Rate

$350-$525 & 100% Medicaid Rate

VNS Hospice Care


Empire HealthPlus



Senior Whole Health


100% Medicaid Rate


100% Medicaid Rate & $300

100% Medicaid Rate & $300-$600

$345-$ 700

$370-$650 & 100% Medicaid Rate

  1. Disclosure in accordance with Section 2829(2)(a) of the New York State Public Health Law Ownership of the Facility:

Pasquale DeBenedictis

Alex Solovey

Leopold Friedman

Soloman Rutenberg


  1. Disclosure in accordance with Section 2829(2)(b) of the New York State Public Health Law Name and Business address of the Landlord of the Facility’s Premises:  

Petite Fleur Acquisition, LLC

225 Crossways Park Drive

Woodbury, New York 11797

  1. Disclosure in accordance with Section 2829(2)(c) of the New York State Public Health Law Summary of Contracts for Goods and Services Paid for with Medicaid or Medicare Funds:  


See attached.

Care Compare Five-Star Ratings of Nursing Homes

Provider Rating Report for March 2025

Ratings for Margaret Tietz Center for Nursing Care Inc (335336)
Jamaica, New York

Star ratings for different aspects of nursing home quality
Overall Quality Health Inspection Quality Measures Staffing
Overall Quality Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Health Inspection Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Quality Measures Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Staffing Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
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