Photos by Shabsie Saphirstein of Queens Jewish Link for Margaret Tietz Yom HaShoah event.
The Executive Director of the Queens Jewish Community Council (QJCC) was apart of our Yom Ha Shoah Program and so he had the Berman Consulting Group put up the additional Press we received in the papers last week for the Yom Ha Shoah program here at Margaret Tietz. Margaret Tietz Marks Yom HaShoah Holocaust remembrance…
Commemorating the Shoah On Thursday, April 28, the students at HAFTR Lower School commemorated Yom HaShoah. Fifth graders performed an adaptation of Karen Hesse’s book, The Cats in Krasinski Square. The story illustrates the bravery of a young girl and her sister who escape the Warsaw Ghetto. Despite the danger, they smuggle food inside the…
Thursday, April 28th 2022, 10:30am Margaret Tietz, First Floor Synagogue Valet Parking Available Rsvp To Linda Spiegel 718.298.7838
The staff at Margaret Tietz is prepared for festive Purim 2022! Linda Spiegel, Rabbi Pearlman and the Margaret Tietz team are shown packing hundreds of Shalach Manos for their residents, employees and families!
BY SHABSIE SAPHIRSTEIN Read the original story on Queens Jewish Link We have all watched as the world has continually latched onto digital opportunities for ease of use, simplicity, and just because they are trendy. Margaret Tietz Nursing and Rehabilitation always seeks new ways to improve its facility and has since incorporated virtual technology into…
Rabbi Pearlman and our musician Russell Targove for the Resident Chanukah Party in the Synagogue. The Menorah lighting took place each night in the Synagogue.
By Shabsie Saphirstein The administration of Maragret Tietz Nursing and Rehabilitation Center held a splendid special summer daytime reception in their garden on Wednesday, August 4, honoring the Democratic nominations of Linda Lee in Council District 23, Lynn Schulman in Council District 29, and Sandra Ung in Council District 20. The event also recognized Council…
Margaret Tietz is thrilled to have received media coverage for our Project ReBloom initiative. the Jewish Home pg. 59 (shown on the image on this page) the Queens Jewish Link pg. 27 – May 27 edition the Bukharian Link pg. 25 – May 27 edition the Queens Chronicle
We are very fortunate at Margaret Tietz to have wonderful community volunteers including families, seniors and good friends of Margaret Tietz to share a Sunday morning to beautify the magnificent garden that has been created through their hands. Project ReBloom was created in memory of Faye Dor a past resident that had passed away a few…